Jesus saves! And surrendering your life to Jesus Christ is the most important decision you'll ever make.
Salvation is a gift received by grace through faith in Christ - it's not something we can earn. Salvation involves God touching our hearts to repent (turn away from sin and turn toward Christ), to believe in Jesus (trusting that He alone can forgive & save you), and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9 says that "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
We rejoice in your decision to follow Jesus and are excited for you to take the next steps in your new life of faith! Following Jesus isn't just a moment - it's a lifelong journey for which we need the Holy Spirit and fellow believers. Please complete this form to tell us about the decision you made. Crosstown Chicago will be honored to come alongside you to help you grow in grace.
Jesus saves! And surrendering your life to Jesus Christ is the most important decision you'll ever make.
Salvation is a gift received by grace through faith in Christ - it's not something we can earn. Salvation involves God touching our hearts to repent (turn away from sin and turn toward Christ), to believe in Jesus (trusting that He alone can forgive & save you), and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9 says that "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
We rejoice in your decision to follow Jesus and are excited for you to take the next steps in your new life of faith! Following Jesus isn't just a moment - it's a lifelong journey for which we need the Holy Spirit and fellow believers. Please complete this form to tell us about the decision you made. Crosstown Chicago will be honored to come alongside you to help you grow in grace.